A permit is required for the following:

Zoning Permits are required for land development.

Defined as:

(1)  Constructing, reconstructing, converting, structurally altering, relocating, or enlarging any building or structure

(2) Mining, excavating, filling, or grading land

(3) Commencing, changing, or extending the use of land or a structure.

Boundary Line Adjustment Permits are required to move a property boundary.

Subdivision Permits are required to divide a parcel into two or more lots.

Site Plan Permits are required for nonresidential development.


(1) Construction of a primitive camp, single family or two-family dwelling, or any development ancillary to a single-family or two-family dwelling, including but not limited to an accessory dwelling or home occupation that does not involve a structure of more than 1,000 square feet.

(2) Development within and in conformance with the standards of the Form Based Code Overlay District

(3) Development for the purpose of complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or applicable fire, health, or building codes (e.g. ramps, elevators, entryways, fire escapes, stairs, etc.)

(4) A minor expansion or intensification of a pre-existing use in conformance with all applicable provisions of these regulations that does not involve increasing in a 10 year period:

(a) The amount of on-site parking by more than 3 spaces;
(b) The footprint of a structure by more than 1,000 square feet: or
(c) The footprint of outdoor storage, display, or service areas by more than 2,000 square feet.

Conditional Use Permits are required for nonresidential development listed as a conditional use in the zoning district and/or land development within the Water Resource Overlay District and/or Flood Hazard Overlay District.

Waivers  or Variance Permits are required to waive and/or vary the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations.

Refer to the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations for more information.

* Please contact the Westford Planning & Zoning Dept to discuss your proposal and confirm whether permits are needed.
Harmony Cism, Administrative Officer
(802) 878.4587

Town Planner (Vacant)  
(802) 878.4587

*Please note that your project may also require a State Permit.  Please visit the State of Vermont Permit Navigator to determine whether state permits are required.