The Town Forest will be subject to a perpetual conservation easement held by Vermont Land Trust and Vermont Housing and Conservation Board. The Town and its residents will decide the uses of the property within the bounds defined by the conservation easement. The conservation easement will be designed to permanently protect the land’s important resources, including productive forestland, wildlife habitats, natural features, and non-motorized recreational, educational and other appropriate community uses. The conservation easement will restrict activities that threaten those values, such as residential, commercial, or industrial development, mining or extractive uses, or manipulation of wetlands or streams. Certain activities will be specifically permitted under the conservation easement, such as maple sugaring or commercial logging under a Forest Management Plan, non-motorized recreation, trail development, and educational activities. The conservation easement will require that the land be open to the public, and that a Management Plan be developed and updated with meaningful community input. The conservation easement will permit the use of the northern field for a community septic system, should the community decide to do so in the future. The farmland will be protected by a separate conservation easement designed to keep the farmland available and affordable for agricultural use in the future.