Over the course of the next year, the Planning Commission will be investigating adoption of “river corridors” or “river corridor protection areas” as defined by the State of Vermont. Westford MUST adopt either “river corridors” or “river corridor protection areas” in order to receive the highest amount of Emergency Relief & Assistance Funding (ERAF) from the State and Federal government after a declared disaster.


ERAF Break Down


75% of Total Cost of Damages  – Typical Federal Coverage



7.5% of Total Cost of Damages – Typical State Coverage

12.5% of Total Cost of Damages State Coverage if communities have adopted four mitigation measures:

1.National Flood Insurance Program;

2. Town Road and Bridge Standards;

3. Local Emergency Operations Plan;

4. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.

17.5% of Total Cost of Damages State Coverage if communities also:

1.Protect River Corridors from new encroachment; or, protect their flood hazard areas from new encroachments and participate in the FEMA Community Rating System. ERAF 17.5% Criteria



Remainder of Total Cost – Paid by Town.


After a declared disaster the damage to public infrastructure including roads and culverts may approach a million dollars. Here is how the cost of damage will be carried by federal, state, and municipal taxpayers:

  7.5% ERAF Rate 12.5% ERAF Rate 17.5% ERAF Rate
Federal Share $750,000 $750,000 $750,000
State Share $75,000 $125,000 $175,000
Municipal Share $175,000 $125,000 $75,000
Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000


Westford ERAF Rating

Flooding – Vermont’s Most Common Natural Disaster  (Westford, VT Power Point)

Everything You Need to Know About River Corridors


To view how this might affect your property go to  the Westford Interactive Map and view “River Corridors” or “River Corridor Protection Areas” under “Natural Resources”.  Please note that the Town already regulates the “Flood Hazard Overlay” and “Water Resource Overlay”, which preserves that vast majority of the the River Corridor area already.  Thus, the State has granted us full interim Emergency Relief & Assistant Funding at 17.5% until such time as the State officially adopts their River Corridor maps.


If you have questions, concerns, etc., please feel free to contact Melissa Manka, Westford Planning Coordinator, at 878-4587 or planer@westfordvt.us or attend an upcoming  Planning Commission meeting.