The Town of Westford has contracted with NEMRC (New England Municipal Resource Center) to do a town wide reappraisal of all property in Westford for the 2025 Grand List. The purpose of the town wide reappraisal is to update all property data and calculate Fair Market Values reflected as of 4/1/2025. This will be a two-year project. NEMRC staff will begin their field work in mid-September 2023.
The staff from NEMRC will be completing data collection for each property in Westford, road by road. Prior to the site visit, all property owners will receive a postcard in the mail letting them know that NEMRC staff will be working in that area within a few weeks of the mailing. Property owners will be able to identify NEMRC staff by the IDs they will be wearing and a NEMRC magnet on the side of their vehicle.
During the initial visit, all physical data will be verified and updated by staff, including taking new photos (exterior only), measuring, and drawing a sketch of the building footprint. During the site visit, staff will want to verify information with you, and they will ask if they can do an interior inspection. Approving this request at the time of the visit would be very welcome; it usually takes just a few minutes. If you are not home or are not able to accommodate the request, you can call or email the Westford Listers’ Office to schedule the interior inspection.
Following the site visit NEMRC staff will leave an information card on your door. The card will have instructions on how to review the physical data collected on your property online using a code. This is a way for property owners to verify the accuracy of their data – i.e. square footage. The card will also include contact information for scheduling an interior appointment or submitting any questions. New values will not be available until after April 2025.
Market value is the most probable price a property would bring in an open and competitive market. The Assessor does not create market value; rather, analyzes the patterns and trends of the local real estate market and use that information to estimate market values for all properties. Assessors spend a substantial amount of time qualifying all sales used to develop fair market values for property. Automated valuation models, or ‘AVMs’ such as those used by sites like Zillow or Trulia, do not research sales to determine if they meet requirements for qualification. These sites also do not have knowledge of local market variations.
Property taxes are based on property values. Without periodic reappraisals, some property owners would pay relatively more while others would pay relatively less. Reappraisal resets property values to their current market value so that the property tax burden is equalized for all taxpayers. Reappraisal assures every property owner they are only paying their fair share. However, appraisal and taxation are separate issues. The Assessor determines the market value, and the municipality and State tax rates have no impact on the valuation process. Each taxing authority establishes its own tax rate. Municipal Tax Rates are set based on the need to raise money for municipality highway and general fund expenses. The municipal rate is levied against the municipal grand list. The Education Tax Rates are based on a homestead education tax rate and a non-homestead education tax rate which are set annually by the commissioner of taxes. The Education Tax Rates are levied against all homestead and non-homestead parcels on the education grand list.
Even if your assessment doubled that does not mean your taxes would double. Remember the total grand list has changed as well. The tax rate will adjust because of the reappraisal.
That is because the market has changed since the last reappraisal. The last reappraisal was completed in 2009. At that time the assessment base was established and has not been changed since that time. The purpose of the reappraisal is to bring the values established several years ago to current market values and to establish equity across parcels.
If you would like to view your data click here.
For questions or concerns please email Caroline Brown, Westford Lister, at listers@westfordvt.us. If you prefer, you can call (802)878-4587 and ask to speak with Caroline. If she is unavailable, please leave her a voicemail. She or a staff member from NEMRC will return your call as soon as possible.