Amber and Patrick Haller have lived at 62 Brookside Road since 2006. They have grown to a family of 4 and their young children attend the Westford School. They became close to old‐time farmer, Bob Jackson, who lived in the white farm house at 123 Brookside Road.
The Hallers intend to fix‐up/restore the old house and barn and move‐in and continue to live in and enjoy Westford. Amber’s parents from northern New York intend to move‐in with them as well.
Their plans for the 19 acres on the east side (opposite) from the white house are uncertain, but they intend to conserve a 45 acre tract of land that abuts the eastern side of the 19 acres.
The transaction for the house and 19 acres is a private sale at market value and solely between the Gauthiers and the Hallers.